
Ancient cities are like the life blood system of Sri Lanka, scattered throughout the country these cities, some are in ruins, some in good shape gives out how the island kingdoms have looked like in the olden days. The ruin cities are giving out important aspects of the development of civilizations. Anuradhapura is 7,179 km² in land mass, Polonnaruwa is 3,293 km², and Kandy is 1,940 km2 Weather: 30°C -34°C, Wind NW at 4 km/h – 8 km/h, Population: 50,595 – 1,369,899. The zone is economically known for the agriculture and related activities and is done on the two main rain seasons. The people mass is majority of Sinhala Buddhists and has been like that in most of the years in History. Other than for agriculture minor levels of home-based crafts, and self-employment has picked up given the recent times. Also, Tourism plays a major role in the economic backdrop of the zone. The heavy rainfalls in the rain season fills up the tanks in the zone and that saved water becomes the source of water for the rest of the year as like had happened in many years in the history. Like most of the country the food culture consists of rice and curries which is fresh produce from the region itself. Being a Buddhist dominated zone, all Buddhist festivals are being celebrated as festivals in the zone including Wesak and Poson Poya days.

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