Background Contact Info

Tripavi (Pvt) Ltd

Landline. +94 112712 100
Hotline.  +94 77 847 5964

Address.  No 299 1/G, Lakeside,
Buthgamuwa Road, Rajagiriya,
Sri Lanka.

Get in Touch

Please complete the inquiry form below to get in touch with one of our travel consultants. Alternatively, please feel free to contact us via telephone, WhatsApp, or Skype.

Your privacy is paramount to Tripavi and we will never share your personal data with anyone. For further info, please see our privacy policy.

Contact Us
What would make a perfect holiday? Tell us who is going with you, adults & number of kids if any. What destination you will be flying from and any other details we may find useful, such as if it's a special occasion.

If we need to get in touch, when is the best time to give you a call about your holiday?

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